Creating a fully customized customer onboarding tool to reduce staff overheads and improve the post sale process

Performing Arts Abroad (PAA) offers unique and fulfilling international performing arts programs to individuals and groups, enhancing understanding of our diverse world through the transformative arts of music, dance, theatre, and film.

I have been partnered with PAA (Performing Arts Abroad) for many years now. We have assisted them with their branding and print materials through to their website design and more recently a digital customer on-boarding tool.

The customer on-boarding tool was a significant piece of work that automated the complex process of preparing students for their overseas program. We created a central digital area/portal for them to follow a phased approach to all of the information they needed to provide. Forms, uploads, downloads, resources, all presented within an easy to use environment, backed by customer support, enabled PAA to process and assist their large customer base more effectively than the previously manual methods.

Full secured login system with password reset
Flyout menu system allowing the user to access their task lists and the social side of the portal
Welcome screen guiding the user through the various areas of the portal
Custom icons to represent the 4 service areas that PAA offer

Smooth and efficient on-boarding of our customers is not only critical to our operations but also sets the tone for our customers experience before they even start their program.

A fully customized customer portal that fully integrates with other key CRM’s and marketing tool such as Salesforce and Hubspot ensures that we not only provide a hassle free place for our students to complete their various program application steps, but it also allows the programme coordinators to manage higher volumes of students than normal.

Customer portal features
  • Library of pre-made tasks to reduce manual creation
  • 3 phased approach to tasks and on-boarding stage
  • Commenting and conversation threads on a task by task basis
  • Automated notification system with reminders
  • Integrated reporting system to highlight customers with overdue or critical tasks
  • 3 stage review system (Tasks, Need review, Completed)
  • Full integration with other management tools and CRM’s
  • Drag and drop task re-ordering
  • Separate admin and customer UI/UX displays
Materials produced
  • Resources section
  • FAQ section
  • Adaptive responsive portal (mobile optimised)
  • Full social platform so that students can communicate and connect with other students prior to attending their program
  • Social wall with full posting ability and media uploader (videos, messages, audio, pictures, quotes etc)
  • Member creation and full profile settings
  • Global news feed
  • Follow and unfollow
  • Notifications and notices
  • Private messaging
The participant overview page which is used by the advisors to see the various stages that each user is at.
The status bar for each user provides the advisor a quick overview of every participant
Advisor task overview fo a participant they manage
Tasks broken down by phases with drag and drop pre-made tasks.
3 stage status system
Both advisors and particiapnts can add or download files
Push/pull commenting and conversation history that is logged on a task by task basis.
Participants can entirely customise their social wall and layout from the header to the images and the widgets on their page
The wall feed can vary between imagery, videos, comments and articles.